The Start Menu is not kidding guilty party as it regularly requires some investment to load. you have to open Run yet this time, you will sort "regedit.exe" to dispatch the Registry Editor. Go to the Hkey_current_user organizer and discover Control Panel –> Desktop –> Menushowdelay. At that point, twofold click Menushowdelay to alter its esteem. Sort in the numbers on the clear and hit "alright." Remember, the bring down the quality the quicker the Start Menu will stack.
An alternate trap for accelerating your Windows Start Menu would be to farthest point the quantity of easy routes on your desktop. It may be the case that you simply have an excess of symbols on your desktop and that is what is bringing about your machine to take long when stacking the Start Menu.
Audit Startup Programs
The most well-known reason for log jam are projects that naturally run when Windows begins and continue running out of sight devouring valuable framework memory.
Disable Sounds
You can handicap undesirable Windows sounds to press more execution. Go to Control Panel ""> Hardware and Sound ""> Change framework sounds. In the Sound Scheme drop down, pick No Sounds, uncheck Play Windows Startup sound and click OK.
Accelerating the Right Click Menu
an alternate baffling moderate down that Windows clients experience is the time it takes the Menu to show up when hitting the right click. Introducing outsider programs that permit you to expel things from the connection menu ought to speed it up.
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